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Our Organization: Sherman Fairchild Library Accessibility

Accessibility information for Sherman Fairchild Library

Sherman Fairchild Library Accessibility

Location: The Library occupies all four floors (basement through the third floor) of the Sherman Fairchild building.

Sherman Fairchild Library hours and floor plan images.

Physical Accessibility

  • Both entrances to Sherman Fairchild Library (East and West) are accessible by ramp and are equipped with power-assisted doors.
  • Building floors may be accessed using an elevator in the Southwest corner of the Library, stairs in the middle of the Library, or stairs on the North end of the Library.

Book Returns

  • A book return is available at all times just outside the West entrance of Sherman Fairchild Library.
  • A book return is also available inside the Library at the service desk next to the West entrance to the Library.


  • There are two multi-function printers on the first floor of Sherman Fairchild Library next to the East entrance.
  • There is a multi-function printer on the third floor of the Library in the Southeast corner of the open study space; this is to your immediate right when you come up the stairs.
  • There is a multi-function printer in the center area of the basement against the West wall; this is to your left when you come down the stairs.


  • Gender-neutral, single-stall restrooms are available on the North end of all four floors of Sherman Fairchild Library.

Seating and Whiteboards

  • There are individual study carrels on the South side of the second floor and on the third floor.
  • There is a beanbag chair in the basement of Sherman Fairchild Library.
  • There are moveable whiteboards on the first and third floors of Sherman Fairchild Library.
  • Group study rooms on the second floor have TV monitors and whiteboards mounted to the walls.

Quiet Spaces

  • Sherman Fairchild Library has silent study spaces in the open areas of the basement and on the second and third floors.
  • The first floor of Sherman Fairchild Library is for quiet study, meaning patrons may have quiet conversations or use headphones.
  • Sherman Fairchild Library has four closed group study rooms for group study on the second floor, which may be reserved on the Find a Study Space page.


  • All floors of the library are lit with overhead fluorescent lights.
  • The best areas of the Sherman Fairchild Library for natural light are the closed, reservable group study rooms on the second floor (each room has windows and the overhead lights in each room may be turned off) and in the open study area on the third floor (the area has a high ceiling with overhead lights and lots of windows).
Accessibility information for Sherman Fairchild Library