CaltechTHESIS is the digital archive for of Ph.D., Engineer, Masters, Bachelor and Senior theses authored by Caltech students. It also contains essays submitted by students for writing prizes to the Hixon Writing Center. It is updated continuously as students add new theses, and as library staff scan and add older theses.
Caltech theses have a common format and there are regulations regarding the contents, submission, proofreading, and final disposition.
The PhD Dissertation, Engineer's Thesis, or Masters Thesis, is a document prepared by the candidate and represents an exposition of the candidate’s research topic and findings. There are specific requirements for format as well as the process of thesis acceptance, but the content and length are flexible and vary substantially between individual candidates. The expectation by the faculty and the Dean of Graduate Studies is that the thesis should represent independent work by the candidate and meet the highest standards of scholarship as well as written expression. The Dean relies on the candidate, the advisor, and thesis committee to uphold these standards.