We recommend that you always add a statement in your paper's Acknowledgments declaring that the submission comes from your thesis.
Always check a journal's policies in advance of submitting your paper, as they may vary from their general publisher policies.
American Chemical Society
- Authors should confirm that they alone hold the copyright to the work and have read and comply with the ACS dissertation policy and the conditions and procedures laid out in the ACS Journal Publishing Agreement.
- Journal of the American Chemical Society: Allows authors to include their thesis/dissertations in manuscripts so long as there is a statement in the Acknowledgements section of the paper that indicates the paper was adapted from a thesis/dissertation. We do not consider the posting of the thesis/dissertation on a repository as prior-publication.
- ACS Catalysis: Authors submitting material that has been used in their thesis/dissertation must notify the Editor-in-Chief in the cover letter. Authors should confirm that they alone hold the copyright to the work and have read and comply with the ACS dissertation policy and the conditions and procedures laid out in the ACS Journal Publishing Agreement.
Nature Portfolio
- Nature Portfolio will consider submissions containing material that has previously formed part of a PhD or other academic thesis which has been published according to the requirements of the institution awarding the qualification.
- Angewandte Chemie International Edition: Will consider submitted papers that have been previously 1) posted as a preprint on a community-trusted, subject-based preprint server such as ChemRxiv, bioRxiv, and arXiv (see the preprint guidelines. Or 2) published as a thesis prepared toward completion of a graduate degree at a university or technical institute of learning. Only the original submitted version of a manuscript is allowed to be posted as a preprint. Manuscripts previously published in other contexts will not be considered, at the discretion of the editor.