Learn about Caltech's policy that allows you to legally make your peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers openly accessible—and how the Library can help you. You can also obtain an open access waiver if your publisher insists.
Grant recipients are regularly asked by their funding agencies to provide reports (progress or final) that collect and present information following meticulous guidelines. To assist with these pursuits, Library staff are available to work with researchers to ensure they meet compliance requirements to receive and maintain funding from these government agencies.
Find out how the Library can help campus research labs and centers manage and publish their research data.
The Caltech Library has designed a publishing platform that will help researchers share their findings widely with minimal cost and substantial impact. The Library can now publish researcher-led, open access journals and books that serve the academic community.
As a service to the Caltech community, the Caltech Library provides ISBNs for self-published materials. The Library can also help with DOIs, which can be used to identify articles, books, web sites, data sets, software, images, and much more.
Register for an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID), a persistent digital identifier to distinguish yourself from other authors and researchers.