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Our Organization: Email Notification Policy

Email Notification Policy

The Caltech Library sends automated courtesy notices that will be emailed to our patrons directly from the point of check-out through the return process. They are listed below. Additionally, we process ILL (InterLibrary Loan) items via FOLIO, our Library Services Platform, so our patrons can view all their loans in one place within LibSearch, our catalog and discovery service. For instructions on how to view loans, please visit

  • Check-out Notice - Confirmation that you have borrowed items from the Library. This email will be sent the moment your items are checked out. It will include the title, call number, item ID, due date, and how many renewals you have remaining for that item.
  • Courtesy Notice - A reminder that your items will be due soon. This email will be sent seven days before your item(s) are due and will provide you with instructions on how to renew the items.
  • Overdue Notice - A reminder that your items are overdue. This email will be sent one day after your item(s) are due and will provide you instructions on how to renew the items.
  • Returned Notice - Confirmation that we have received the items you returned. This message includes title, call number, item ID, and when the item was checked into the catalog by our staff.
  • 14 Days Overdue Notice - This email will be sent two weeks after your items are due and will again provide you with instructions on how to renew your items. Additionally, this email will inform you that in another two weeks, if you don’t renew your items, the Library will consider the items lost. This means the Library will charge an automatic replacement processing fee of $200 per item, and your Library account will be blocked until the overdue items have been returned or you’ve resolved the issue by contacting us at or at 626-395-3405.
  • Blocked Patron Notice - As mentioned in the 14 Days Overdue Notice, this email will be sent 30 days after an item becomes overdue. It will inform you that your Library account has been blocked and a replacement processing fine/fee (per overdue item) has been charged to your Library account. You will not be able to borrow any more items until you have returned the overdue item(s) or paid the fine/fee(s). You will need to contact the Library directly for us to help you resolve this issue at or 626-395-3405.

Please know the Library is here to help you! We understand our community is unique and not all policies fit all situations, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us whenever you need assistance.  You can contact us at or 626-395-3405.