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Donald Glaser: Caltech and beyond

by Caltech Archives on May 19th, 2017 in Archives, Talk of the Archives | 0 Comments

Donald A. Glaser

Donald A. Glaser, PhD '50 was one of the most innovative and progressive scientists of the 20th Century. From his invention of the bubble chamber -- for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize -- to his pioneering role in bioengineering and his leading contributions to visual neuroscience, Glaser has advanced many of our most important frontiers of scientific discovery and technological progress.

The exhibit wants to illustrate Donald Glaser and his strong connections to the Caltech scientific community. The on-site version was part of a day of celebration of Glaser's many accomplishments in December 2016 at Caltech. Visit the online exhibit .

The collection guide of the Glaser papers is available online at the Online Archive of California (OAC). Thanks to a very generous donation by the Glaser family, the papers have been digitized and will be available online in the near future on the Caltech Archives Digital Collections page. - MS Posted 5-9-2017 and 5-19-2017

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