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Collections: Caltech Women's Club Papers

by Caltech Archives on December 1st, 2009 in Archives, Archives News | 0 Comments
Caltech Women's Club Fall Gathering 2001. From left: Alice Huang, Alice Stone, Laurie Koonin, Valerie Elachi, Diane Carey-Schmitz.

Traditionally the Caltech Women's Club has been able to store their records in various rooms at The Athenaeum and most recently in a storeroom in the basement. Permanent storage in the Caltech Archives will ensure that these records will be properly preserved in a climate-controlled and secure environment. A system for members to access the records has been put in place and can be arranged through the current Archive representative on CWC Board. The papers will be open as well to qualified researchers across campus and beyond.

Efforts to preserve the Club's papers as a historical collection were begun by long-time member and former CWC President Meg Cole, who saw the importance of these papers and began organizing them in a logical manner. Carol Andersen served as the Club Archivist for several years, and she and Meg worked together on the project to organize the Club's files, photos, and memorabilia. The planned deposit of the papers is a continuation of their efforts.

Past Presidents of the Women's Club, 1997. From left to right: Betty Seinfeld, Janet Jenks, Roxanne Anson, Ora Lee Marble, Jane Caughey, unidentified president, Doris Everhart, Missy Jennings, Meg Cole, Romy Wyllie, unidentified president, Andree Helou, Sandra O'Rourke and Tema Halpern.

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