Electronic resources are restricted to members of the Caltech community with a current access.caltech account unless otherwise indicated - you will be taken to the library proxy login if accessing from off-campus. Publicly available resources are indicated by the text Open Access in the description.
Chemistry books are on the 2nd floor in the Sherman Fairchild Library. If you would like to browse books, use the below chart to determine the relevant call number range. Otherwise, search the Library Catalog to find books by subject, title and author.
Call # | Subject |
QD1-999 | Chemistry |
QD1-65 | General |
QD71-142 | Analytical |
QD146-197 | Inorganic |
QD241-441 | Organic |
QD450-882 | Physical & Theoretical |
QD901-999 | Crystallography |
Reference books are on the first floor of the Sherman Fairchild Library, on the east side (opposite side as the printers).
ACS Ebook Package: Caltech has purchased the ACS eBook archive, which includes all titles from 1949 through 2012.
RSC Ebook Package: We have access to the entire RSC Ebook collection. If you have trouble accessing any of the titles, please contact me.