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Geological & Planetary Sciences (GPS) Mudd Library: How to Search

Welcome to Geological & Planetary Sciences Library services at Caltech!

***New catalog interface coming; finding ebooks in catalog***

March 6:

We will be migrating to a new library catalog interface on March 20. Please preview the new interface here. The interface will be simpler and more accessible. For help using the new interface, please visit our LibGuide.

While the transition is occurring, if you are looking for specific ebooks, it will NOT show in our current catalog from March 6 until the new launch.

Please use Publication Finder if you want to find specific ebooks.

Any questions, please contact us.

GPS Databases

GeoRef Tutorial

Web of Science Tutorial

Searching: Library Catalog

Searching: Electronic Journals (Ejournals)

Searching: Electronic Books (Ebooks)

All of our ebooks are listed in our catalog.

 **NOTE - It is strongly recommended to sign with your Caltech access credentials (the top banner). This will provide you with quicker access to materials held electronically. Also, some results will not show up unless you are signed in with access credentials. You may see some search results with 'log in to gain access to this result' if you are not signed in with access.**

To search for subjects, enter/copy the following search term in our catalog:

'electronic books' AND [subject]

Replace [subject] with your term. If subject has more than one word, put it in single quotes. Leave all other settings as default.

Here is a LibGuide on our Ebook packages, which has selected Ebooks across all subjects.

Geology & Planetary Sciences Librarian