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Geological & Planetary Sciences (GPS) Mudd Library: Earthquakes & Geophysics

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Selected Journals in Earthquakes, Geophysics and Seismology

This is not a comprehensive list. Please search for additional titles using the catalog or PubFinder. You can also search using keywords, such as 'earthquakes' or 'geophysics' in PubFinder. Links are proxied, please sign-in with your access credentials if prompted.

Earthquake Information

USGS Links

USGS Earthquake RSS Feed

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Caltech Historical Seismograms

Caltech Historical Seismograms - Related Publications

San Andreas Fault

Historical Earthquake Information

For specific earthquakes, search the subject heading Earthquakes -- [country or state] in the library catalog, or go to GeoRef.


Also, search "historical earthquakes" in the library catalog.

More historical resources below: