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Physics, Math & Astronomy (PMA): How to Find and Search

Collections for PMA

Print collections for PMA are in Cahill (astronomy), the Sherman Fairchild Library (physics and math), Geology Library (planetary science) and the Caltech Hall basement (astronomy overflow). The Caltech Hall basement is closed to browsing. If you need material from Caltech Hall, please page it via LibSearch or you can contact us at with item(s) desired.

LibSearch is our catalog / discovery service and can be used to find both print and electronic items. 

**NOTE - When using the catlaog (LibSearch) from off-campus and not on VPN, it is strongly recommended to sign with your Caltech access credentials (the top banner). This will provide you with quicker access to materials held electronically. Also, some results will not show up unless you are signed in with access credentials. You may see some search results with 'log in to gain access to this result' if you are not signed in with access.**

If you come across something that you'd like the library to buy, please email me or submit a request via this form.

PMA Monthly Library Newsletter

Accessing Electronic Holdings

Google Scholar - This FAQ explains how to configure your Scholar account so that Caltech Connect links appear in your search results. 

NASA ADS - Please remember to configure ADS to set our Library as your home. Once you do this you'll see proxied links to our licensed / subscribed resources in ADS. For more information, please see this FAQ that gives detailed instructions about setting this up. 

MathSciNet - Please use this link to access this database. 

Remote / Off Campus Access - Please consult this page for options about how to access library subscriptions remotely.

Library Tools 

Publication Finder - To view the library's electronic journal and ebook holdings, search by title in this database. Ebooks are also discoverable via LibSearch but they're stacked on top of the search results in the placard. 

Citation Linker - Use this tool to get a direct link to either a page to download an article or a link to Docuserve to request it.