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Physics, Math & Astronomy (PMA): Open Access

Caltech's Open Access Policy

NASA Public Access Plan

NASA's Public Access Plan was released January 6, 2025.

The full report can be found here:

The updated plan highlights:

Requires scientific data underlying publications to be made freely available and publicly accessible by default at the time of publication.

The data must also have a persistent identifier, use metadata standards, and be shared in a repository designated by the appropriate NASA  program or meet the guidelines provided by the Desirable Characteristics of Data Repositories for Federally Funded Research.

Requires peer-reviewed publications and the associated metadata to be made freely available at the time of publication in NASA's designated repository, PubSpace.

Researchers can either submit their accepted manuscripts directly to PubSpace or publish with a journal that has an agreement with NASA to deposit the Version of Record in PubSpace (e.g., journals that are part of CHORUS).

Requires scientific software underlying peer-reviewed publications or used to support data analysis to be made freely available and publicly accessible by default at the time of publication.

Open Access Books and Journals

For the most up-to-date listing of open-access journals, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) site provides a directory of thousands of open-access journals.

For the most up-to-date listing of open-access books, the Directory of Open Access Books site provides a directory of thousands of open-access books.

NSF Public Access Initiative

The U.S. National Science Foundation's Public Access Initiative ensures the outputs of NSF-funded scientific research are made publicly available to the greatest extent, with the fewest constraints possible and consistent with law. 

Visit NSF's public access initiative page for more information.

SCOAP3 - Open Access in High-Energy Physics

APS participates in SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics), an international coalition of more than 3,000 libraries and research institutions from over 45 participating countries. Managed by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), it funds open access publishing in high-energy physics research.

Under the SCOAP3 model, high-energy physics papers posted to the arXiv and published in Physical Review Letters (PRL), Physical Review C (PRC), and Physical Review D (PRD) can be published open access, without any article publication charges (APCs) to authors.

For full details and how to submit, please visit the information page here:

Publishing Open Access with Nature

Publishing Open Access with American Physical Society