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Library Research at Caltech: Finding Books & e-Books

We're here to help you navigate the Caltech Library catalog, LibSearch!

Finding Books

Search Tips

When looking for a book or eBook, use the search bar on the Caltech Library website
Some tips & tricks for searching are:
  • Simple Search results contain all the words used. These may match words in a title, author names, subjects, or other fields.
  • Advanced Search pre-limits a search to specific fields, material types, and publication dates
  • The asterisk (*) can be truncate a word. [octop* = octopuses, octopi, octopods, octopodes]
  • Enclosing a search in quotes (" ") returns results that are an exact match ["happy birthday"].
  • Boolean Logic is supported.- Use precision search queries such as ANDOR and NOT.
    • "honey bee communication" – the library catalog treats the entire query as an exact phrase.
    • '"Honey bee" AND communication' will garner results with the phrase "honey bee" and the word communication, but not as a phrase.
    • '"Honey bee" OR communication' will show all results with the phrase "honey bee," all results with the word 'communication,' and all results with both.
    • 'Programmers NOT php' retrieves all items which have the word 'programmers', but will filter/remove results containing the term 'php'.

Finding a Specific Book

To look for a specific book, go to the Caltech Library website & type in the title of the book in the search bar.

You will find your book on the results page. You may even find multiple versions of the same book! But be careful -- some of these results may be book reviews rather than the actual book itself.

Each listing will let you know which library the book is in, to see if it's available electronically, or to request it from another institution!

Click on the title of the edition you want to learn more about the book, see recommended subject headings, and find "More Like This" 

Browsing for Books Online

To browse for books in the library catalog, go to Caltech Library website & type the subject you would like to study in the search bar.

On the results page, you'll find books, articles, audio, video, and much more related to your subject!

At the top of the page, you can open Filters to help narrow down your results by topics such as source type, library location, subject, author, date, and more!


Browsing the Shelves

Books are organized by subject at Caltech Library! 

If I want to learn more about Quantum Mechanics, I will look at the call number for Quantum Mechanics: A Mathematical Introduction

I will find other books on the same subject near Quantum Mechanics: A Mathematical Introduction.

How to Read Call Numbers

Call numbers are simple once you get the hang of it!

First, when you look at a call number, you will read it alphabetically: AB comes before BB, which comes before CB. 

Then, you read it numerically: BB20 comes before BB100, which comes before BB200
Remember: even though 20 starts with a 2, it is still a smaller number than 100!

So, if we put CB395, AB100, CB40, and BB600 in order, it looks like: AB100, BB600, CB40, CB395

What To Do If We Don't Have A Book

If we do not have a book at Caltech Library, you can request it through Docuserve
DocuServe is an information delivery service available to Caltech faculty, students, and staff. We participate in resource sharing partnerships and networks to provide you with alternative access to materials that we do not own or subscribe to. DocuServe includes InterLibrary Loan, document delivery, and more.

What can I request? 
Request materials related to your research, teaching, study, or employment at Caltech, such as books, journal articles, book chapters, theses, or media. We are not able to provide textbooks through DocuServe, but Course Reserves may be able to help.

How much does it cost? 
No charge for article, book, or book chapter requests. Some items like patents and standards require a charge which varies per item.

How long does delivery take? 
Most journal article requests are fulfilled within 48 hours. Physical items are usually delivered within one week.

How do I access the material? 
Once the item arrives, you will be notified via email, and you can check out the request at Sherman Fairchild Library (SFL) Circulation Desk. Access articles and book chapters through email.