For Caltech’s 104th commencement, June 12, 1998, a hot, sunny day quickly turned overcast and delivered a downpour during the second half of the ceremony. Speaker Bill Nye (the “Science Guy”) gave the address, “Hold On to Your Passion, Keep Your Head,” which could more aptly have been titled, “Hold On to Your Umbrella, Keep Your Head Dry.” This was also the first commencement presided over by President David Baltimore.
The academic gods were kinder in 2005 for the 111th commencement, held on June 10th under a bright, sunny sky and a rain only of confetti. Sandra Tsing Loh, 1983 Caltech graduate, author, humorist, and radio personality, became the first alumna commencement speaker. At the same time, Caltech saluted the first all-female chemical engineering graduating class.