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Caltech Library Digital Bookplates Collection
Paul Schatzle Memorial Book Fund
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Caltech Library Digital Bookplates Collection
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Caltech Library Digital Bookplates Collection
In Memory of James F. Bonner
In Memory of Anne M. Buck, University Librarian, 1995 - 2003
Clokey Botanical Library Memorial Gift by the family of Ira W. Clokey
Horace W. Davenport Endowment
Gift in Honor of Murray Gell-Mann
Henry & Ethel Henigson Memorial Book Fund
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Gift
Larrecq Memorial Book Fund, established by Anthony J. Larrecq
Isabel & Milton Plesset Memorial Book Fund
Paul Schatzle Memorial Book Fund
Paul Schatzle Memorial
Christine Shirley Gift
Whitman College Memorial
In Memory of Richard P. Feynman, through the generosity of the Whittier Foundation
Paul Schatzle Memorial
America's forgotten majority : why the white working class still matters / Ruy Teixeira, Joel Roger
Bacterial ion channels and their eukaryotic homologs / edited by Andrzej Kubalski, Boris Martinac
Bayesian field theory / Jörg C. Lemm
Biogeochemistry of chelating agents / Bernd Nowack, editor, Jeanne M. VanBriesen, editor
The black hearts of men : radical abolitionists and the transformation of race / John Stauffer
Blindsight and the nature of consciousness / Jason Holt
Brauer type embedding problems / Arne Ledet
The Cambridge aerospace dictionary / Bill Gunston
Carbonaceous aerosol / by András Gelencsér
The cerebellum and its disorders / edited by Mario-Ubaldo Manto and Massimo Pandolfo
Chemical reactor analysis and design fundamentals / James B. Rawlings, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin ; John G. Ekerdt, Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas
Classical mechanics / John R. Taylor
Comparative media history : an introduction : 1789 to the present / Jane Chapman
The construction of spin eigenfunctions : an exercise book / Ruben Pauncz
A crack in the edge of the world : America and the great California earthquake of 1906 / Simon Winchester
Dark matter, missing planets, and new comets : paradoxes resolved, origins illuminated / Tom Van Flandern
Democracy in California : politics and government in the Golden State / Brian P. Janiskee and Ken Masugi
The descent of ideas : the history of intellectual history / Donald R. Kelley
Development of dopaminergic neurons / [edited by] Umberto di Porzio, Roberto Pernas-Alonso, Carla Perrone-Capano
Difference equations and inequalities : theory, methods, and applications / Ravi P. Agarwal
Digital modulation techniques / Fuqin Xiong
The dynamics of racial progress : economic inequality and race relations since Reconstruction / Antoine L. Joseph
The eighteenth century, 1688-1815 / edited by Paul Langford
Electrical power systems quality / Roger C. Dugan ... [et al.]
Encyclopedia of the scientific revolution : from Copernicus to Newton / editor, Wilbur Applebaum
Etudes sur le symbolisme de la Sagesse et sur l'iconographie / Marie-Thérèse d'Alverny ; edited by Charles Burnett ; with a preface by Peter Dronke
Financial derivatives in theory and practice / P.J. Hunt, J.E. Kennedy
FPGA-based system design / Wayne Wolf
From classical to quantum mechanics / Giampiero Esposito, Giuseppe Marmo, George Sudarshan
The Golem at large : what you should know about technology / Harry Collins, Trevor Pinch
Graded ferroelectrics, transpacitors, and transponents / Joseph V. Mantese, S. Pamir Alpay
Handbook of carbohydrate engineering / edited by Kevin J. Yarema
HPLC of biological macromolecules / edited by Karen M. Gooding, Fred E. Regnier
Innovative conceptual design : theory and application of parameter analysis / Ehud Kroll, Sridhar S. Condoor, David G. Jansson
Integrated environmental modeling : pollutant transport, fate, and risk in the environment / Anu Ramaswami, Jana B. Milford, Mitchell J. Small
Interpreting the Bible & the Constitution / Jaroslav Pelikan
An introduction to active galactic nuclei / Bradley M. Peterson
The knowledge web : from electronic agents to Stonehenge and back--and other journeys through knowledge / James Burke
The last emperors : a social history of Qing imperial institutions / Evelyn S. Rawski
Lawmaking by initiative : issues, options, and comparisons / Philip L. Dubois and Floyd Feeney
Life at the limits : organisms in extreme environments / David A. Wharton
Linear optimization and extensions : theory and algorithms / Shu-Cherng Fang, Sarat Puthenpura
Lives of a biologist : adventures in a century of extraordinary science / John Tyler Bonner
Logically determined design : clockless system design with NULL convention logic / Karl M. Fant
Mantle petrology : field observations and high-pressure experimentation : a tribute to Francis R. (Joe) Boyd / edited by Yingwei Fei, Constance M. Bertka, and Bjorn O. Mysen
The meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) method / Satya N. Atluri, Shengping Shen
Methods of biochemical analysis
Microbiology of waterborne diseases / Steven Percival ... [et al.]
Molecular histochemical techniques / Takehiko Koji, ed
A Monte Carlo primer : a practical approach to radiation transport / by Stephen A. Dupree and Stanley K. Fraley
Multivariate statistical methods : a primer / Bryan F.J. Manly
Nanocrystalline metals and oxides : selected properties and applications / edited by Philippe Knauth, Joop Schoonman
Negative-refraction metamaterials : fundamental properties and applications / edited by G.V. Eleftheriades, K.G. Balmain
The new American militarism : how Americans are seduced by war / Andrew J. Bacevich
New frontiers in cognitive aging / edited by Roger Dixon, Lars Backman and Lars-Goran Nilsson
Nonlinear analysis of thin-walled structures : statics, dynamics, and stability / James F. Doyle
Nonlinear optical phenomena in semiconductors and semiconductor microstructures / by H. Haug, A. L. Ivanov & L. V. Keldysh
Non-linear theory of elasticity and optimal design : how to build safe economical machines and structures ; how to build proven reliable physical theory / by Leah W. Ratner
Nucleus : a trip into the heart of matter / Ray Mackintosh ... [et al.]
Optical pumping - principles and applications : optical pumping of atoms / William Happer, Thad Walker and Keith Bonin
Participation and democracy, East and West : comparisons and interpretations / edited by Dietrich Rueschemeyer, Marilyn Rueschemeyer, and Björn Wittrock
Phytochemicals and phytopharmaceuticals / editors, Fereidoon Shahidi, Chi-Tang Ho
Positive trigonometric polynomials and signal processing applications / Bogdan Dumitrescu
Processes in photoreactive polymers / edited by V.V. Krongauz, A.D. Trifunac
Processes of fiber formation / Zbigniew K. Walczak
Random walk in random and non-random environments / Pál Révész
Regulating menstruation : beliefs, practices, interpretations / edited by Etienne van de Walle and Elisha P. Renne
Remarkable discoveries! / Frank Ashall
Rich media, poor democracy : communication politics in dubious times / Robert W. McChesney ; with a new preface by the author
The rise of early modern science : Islam, China, and the West / Toby E. Huff
Seismic and wind design of concrete buildings : 2003 IBC/ASCE 7-02/ ACI 318-02 / S.K. Ghosh, David A. Fanella, and Xuemei Liang
Shalimar the Clown : a novel / Salman Rushdie
Slaves on screen : film and historical vision / Natalie Zemon Davis
State space and unobserved component models : theory and applications / edited by Andrew C. Harvey, Siem Jan Koopman, Neil Shephard
Strong coulomb correlations in electronic structure calculations : beyond the local density approximation / edited by Vladimir I. Anisimov
Strong managers, weak owners : the political roots of American corporate finance / Mark J. Roe
Structures and energies of polycyclic hydrocarbons / Joan E. Shields
Symmetry / Hans Walser ; translated from the original German by Peter Hilton, with the assistance of Jean Pedersen
Systems analysis and design with UML version 2.0 : an object-oriented approach / Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, David Tegarden
The T cell receptor factsbook / Marie-Paule Lefranc, Gérard Lefranc
The tragedy of Russia's reforms : market bolshevism against democracy / Peter Reddaway and Dmitri Glinski
Theory and applications of OFDM and CDMA : wideband wireless communications / Henrik Schulze and Christian Lüders
Thermal analysis of materials / Robert F. Speyer
Time-dependent quantum molecular dynamics / edited by J. Broeckhove and L. Lathouwers
Topics in nonlinear functional analysis / Louis Nirenberg ; notes by Ralph A. Artino
Water-rock interactions, ore deposits, and environmental geochemistry : a tribute to David A. Crerar / edited by Roland Hellmann and Scott A. Wood
Waves in ocean engineering / M.J. Tucker, E.G. Pitt
Why Americans hate welfare : race, media, and the politics of antipoverty policy / Martin Gilens
Isabel & Milton Plesset Memorial Book Fund
Christine Shirley Gift >>