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Caltech Library Digital Bookplates Collection
Henry & Ethel Henigson Memorial Book Fund
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Caltech Library Digital Bookplates Collection
Support the Caltech Library: The Caltech Library digital bookplates recognize the support from endowments and gifts in building collections and supporting all aspects of the Library's work and mission.
Caltech Library Digital Bookplates Collection
In Memory of James F. Bonner
In Memory of Anne M. Buck, University Librarian, 1995 - 2003
Clokey Botanical Library Memorial Gift by the family of Ira W. Clokey
Horace W. Davenport Endowment
Gift in Honor of Murray Gell-Mann
Henry & Ethel Henigson Memorial Book Fund
Henry and Ethel Henigson Memorial
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Gift
Larrecq Memorial Book Fund, established by Anthony J. Larrecq
Isabel & Milton Plesset Memorial Book Fund
Paul Schatzle Memorial Book Fund
Christine Shirley Gift
Whitman College Memorial
In Memory of Richard P. Feynman, through the generosity of the Whittier Foundation
Henry and Ethel Henigson Memorial
Altruistically inclined? : the behavioral sciences, evolutionary theory, and the origins of reciprocity / Alexander J. Field
Aspects of the language of Latin prose / edited by Tobias Reinhardt, Michael Lapidge & J.N. Adams
Blackett : physics, war, and politics in the twentieth century / Mary Jo Nye
Books and their readers in eighteenth-century England : new essays / edited by Isabel Rivers
The British industrial revolution : an economic perspective / edited by Joel Mokyr
Building a democratic political order : reshaping American liberalism in the 1930s and 1940s / David Plotke
Censors at work : how states shaped literature / Robert Darnton
The Chicago guide to writing about multivariate analysis / Jane E. Miller
Cinema's conversion to sound : technology and film style in France and the U.S. / Charles O'Brien
The claims of kinfolk : African American property and community in the nineteenth-century South / Dylan C. Penningroth
Classical myth & culture in the cinema / edited by Martin M. Winkler
The consolation of philosophy / Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius ; translated by David R. Slavitt ; [introduction by Seth Lerer]
Consumption and the world of goods / edited by John Brewer and Roy Porter
Correspondence of scientific men of the seventeenth century; including letters of Barrow, Flamsteed, Wallis, and Newton, printed from the originals in the collection of the Right Honourable the Earl of Macclesfield. Mit einem Vorwort von J.E. Hofmann
Dante's Purgatorio / illustrated by Sandow Birk ; text adapted by Sandow Birk and Marcus Sanders ; preface by Marcia Tanner ; introduction by Michael F. Meister
A duel of giants : Bismarck, Napoleon III, and the origins of the Franco-Prussian War / David Wetzel
Edgar Lee Masters : a biography / Herbert K. Russell
The electoral college primer 2000 / Lawrence D. Longley and Neal R. Peirce
Eloge de l'individu : essai sur la peinture flamande de la Renaissance / Tzvetan Todorov
Fantastic night & other stories / Stefan Zweig
Fences and neighbors : the political geography of immigration control / Jeannette Money
The films of Fritz Lang : allegories of vision and modernity / Tom Gunning
George Eliot, voice of a century : a biography / Frederick R. Karl
A Great effusion of blood? : interpreting medieval violence / edited by Mark D. Meyerson, Daniel Thiery, Oren Falk
The house that race built : original essays by Toni Morrison, Angela Y. Davis, Cornel West, and others on black Americans and politics in America today / edited and with an introduction by Wahneema Lubiano
Hypocrisy and the politics of politeness : manners and morals from Locke to Austen / Jenny Davidson
In the footsteps of the ancients : the origins of humanism from Lovato to Bruni / by Ronald G. Witt
The initiative cookbook : recipes and stories from California's ballot wars / by Jim Shultz
Innovation in Chinese medicine / edited by Elisabeth Hsu
Introduction to the economics and mathematics of financial markets / Jakša Cvitanić and Fernando Zapatero
Introductory econometrics : a modern approach / Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
Johann Liss : a monograph and catalogue raisonné / Rüdiger Klessmann
Lenin--a biography / Robert Service
The letters of Charlotte Brontë : with a selection of letters by family and friends / edited by Margaret Smit
Lies, damn lies and documentaries / Brian Winston
The literature of struggle : an anthology of Chartist fiction / [edited by] Ian Haywood
Louis XIV and the parlements : the assertion of royal authority / John J. Hurt
Lynching in America : a history in documents / edited by Christopher Waldrep
Mac Mahon / Gabriel de Broglie
Majority rule, or, Minority will : adherence to precedent on the U.S. Supreme Court / Harold J. Spaeth, Jeffrey A. Segal
Mel Gibson's Passion : the film, the controversy, and its implications / edited by Zev Garber
Music, science, and natural magic in seventeenth-century England / Penelope Gouk
On every front : the making and unmaking of the Cold War / Thomas G. Paterson
On the science of uncertainty : the biographical method in social research / Franco Ferrarotti
Origins to Constantine / edited by Margaret M. Mitchell and Frances M. Young ; assistant editor, K. Scott Bowie
Parallax visions : making sense of American-East Asian relations at the end of the century / Bruce Cumings
Paranoia, the bomb, and 1950s science fiction films / Cyndy Hendershot
Philosophical papers and letters / Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ; a selection translated and edited, with an introd. by Leroy E. Loemker
Pivotal politics : a theory of U.S. lawmaking / Keith Krehbiel
Reason and rhetoric in the philosophy of Hobbes / Quentin Skinner
Representing emotions : new connections in the histories of art, music, and medicine / edited by Penelope Gouk and Helen Hills
Revolution, romanticism, and the Afro-Creole protest tradition in Louisiana, 1718-1868 / Caryn CosseÌ Bell
Roberto Rossellini : magician of the real / edited by David Forgacs, Sarah Lutton, and Geoffrey Nowell-Smith
Rogier van der Weyden : the complete works / Dirk De Vos
Sexual revolution in early America / Richard Godbeer
A short history of the Wars of the Roses / David Grummitt
The Slaves' economy : independent production by slaves in the Americas / edited by Ira Berlin and Philip D. Morgan
Steal this vote : dirty elections and the rotten history of democracy in America / Andrew Gumbel
The sultan's Jew : Morocco and the Sephardi world / Daniel J. Schroeter
A translucent mirror : history and identity in Qing imperial ideology / Pamela Kyle Crossley
The two Koreas and the United States : issues of peace, security, and economic cooperation / Wonmo Dong, editor
The unknown Karen Horney : essays on gender, culture, and psychoanalysis / edited with introductions by Bernard J. Paris
Veto bargaining : presidents and the politics of negative power / Charles M. Cameron
Voting with dollars : a new paradigm for campaign finance / Bruce Ackerman and Ian Ayres
Weimar surfaces : urban visual culture in 1920s Germany / Janet Ward
Welfare, modernity, and the Weimar State, 1919-1933 / Young-Sun Hong
Who killed Kirov? : the Kremlin's greatest mystery / Amy Knight
With liberty and justice for some : a critique of the conservative Supreme Court / David Kairys
With the Old Breed at Peleliu and Okinawa / E.B. Sledge ; with an introduction by Joseph H. Alexander
Work under capitalism / Chris Tilly, Charles Tilly
Youssef Chahine / Ibrahim Fawal
Gift in Honor of Murray Gell-Mann
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Gift >>