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Caltech Library Digital Bookplates Collection
Horace W. Davenport Endowment
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Caltech Library Digital Bookplates Collection
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Caltech Library Digital Bookplates Collection
In Memory of James F. Bonner
In Memory of Anne M. Buck, University Librarian, 1995 - 2003
Clokey Botanical Library Memorial Gift by the family of Ira W. Clokey
Horace W. Davenport Endowment
Horace W. Davenport Endowment
Gift in Honor of Murray Gell-Mann
Henry & Ethel Henigson Memorial Book Fund
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Gift
Larrecq Memorial Book Fund, established by Anthony J. Larrecq
Isabel & Milton Plesset Memorial Book Fund
Paul Schatzle Memorial Book Fund
Christine Shirley Gift
Whitman College Memorial
In Memory of Richard P. Feynman, through the generosity of the Whittier Foundation
Horace W. Davenport Endowment
13 bankers : the Wall Street takeover and the next financial meltdown / Simon Johnson and James Kwak
19th-century art / painting, Robert Rosenblum ; sculpture, H.W. Janson
The Afghanistan wars / William Maley
Against intellectual monopoly / Michele Boldrin, David K. Levine
Against obscenity : reform and the politics of womanhood in america, 1873-1935 / Leigh Ann Wheeler
The age of independence : interracial unions, same-sex unions, and the changing American family / Michael J. Rosenfeld
America's three regimes : a new political history / Morton Keller
The art of watching films / Dennis W. Petrie, Joseph M. Boggs
Artistic capital / David W. Galenson
Beyond the formalist-realist divide : the role of politics in judging / Brian Z. Tamanaha
The birth of modern politics : Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, and the election of 1828 / Lynn Hudson Parsons
Britain's bloodless revolutions : 1688 and the romantic reform of literature / Anthony S. Jarrells
Burgesses and Burgess law in the Latin Kingdoms of Jerusalem and Cyprus, 1099-1325 / Marwan Nader
The Cambridge history of Spanish literature / edited by David T. Gies
The Cambridge textbook of bioethics / editor-in-chief, Peter A. Singer, executive editor, A.M. Viens.
The Cartulary of Flavigny, 717-1113 / edited by Constance Brittain Bouchard
Christianity and Roman society / Gillian Clark
The chronicle of Ibn al-Athir for the Crusading period from al-Kamil fi'l-Ta'rikh / translated by D.S. Richards
Comedy in a minor key / Hans Keilson ; translated from the German by Damion Searls
The concerto 1800-1900; a Norton music anthology / Edited by Paul Henry Lang
The corrections / Jonathan Franzen
Cosmos : an illustrated history of astronomy and cosmology / John North
Crusaders and crusading in the twelfth century / Giles Constable
Degrees of freedom : Louisiana and Cuba after slavery / Rebecca J. Scott
The democracy index : why our election system is failing and how to fix it / Heather K. Gerken
Descartes and his contemporaries : meditations, objections, and replies / edited by Roger Ariew and Marjorie Grene
Electric sounds : technological change and the rise of corporate mass media / Steve J. Wurtzler
Entertainment industrialised : the emergence of the international film industry, 1890-1940 / Gerben Bakker
The epigrams of Sir John Harington / [introduced and edited by] Gerard Kilroy
The everyday practice of race in America : ambiguous privilege / Utz McKnight
L'exil et le royaume / Albert Camus
Faces of history : historical inquiry from Herodotus to Herder / Donald R. Kelley
Feeling modern : the eccentricities of public life / Justus Nieland
Firearms : a global history to 1700 / Kenneth Chase
For all the world to see : visual culture and the struggle for civil rights / Murice Berger ; foreword by Thulani Davis
Forced to fail : the paradox of school desegregation / Stephen J. Caldas, Carl L. Bankston
Free : the future of a radical price / Chris Anderson
Free : why science hasn't disproved free will / Alfred R. Mele
The Gesta Tancredi of Ralph of Caen : a history of the Normans on the First Crusade / translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach
Hard times for these times / Charles Dickens ; with an introduction by Frederick Busch and a new afterword by Jane Smiley
History of universities
In Fed we trust : Ben Bernanke's war on the great panic / David Wessel
Internal colonization in medieval Europe / edited by Felipe Fernandez-Armesto and James Muldoon
The invisible hook : the hidden economics of pirates / Peter T. Leeson
Joseph Conrad's Heart of darkness / edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom
Justin, philosopher and martyr : Apologies / edited with a commentary on the text by Denis Minns and Paul Parvis
Leading representatives : the agency of leaders in the politics of the U.S. House / Randall Strahan
Let this voice be heard : Anthony Benezet, father of Atlantic abolitionism / Maurice Jackson
Letters from the East : crusaders, pilgrims and settlers in the 12th-13th centuries / translated by Malcolm Barber and Keith Bate
Lincoln, the cabinet, and the generals / Chester G. Hearn
Mahler / Michael Kennedy
Making the second ghetto : race and housing in Chicago, 1940-1960 / Arnold R. Hirsch
Mark Twain's other woman : the hidden story of his final years / Laura Skandera Trombley
The marketplace of ideas : [reform and resistance in the American university] / Louis Menand
The medieval frontiers of Latin Christendom : expansion, contraction, continuity / edited by James Muldoon and Filipe Fernandez-Armesto
Metaphysical themes, 1274-1689 / Robert Pasnau
Mosaicos : Spanish as a world language / Matilde Olivella de Castells ... [et al.]
The myth of presidential representation / B. Dan Wood
Nakama 2 : intermediate Japanese : communication, culture, context / Yukiko Abe Hatasa, Kazumi Hatasa, Seiichi Makino
Northanger Abbey / Jane Austen ; edited by Barbara M. Benedict and Deirdre Le Faye
Of the people, by the people, for the people : a documentary record of voting rights and electoral reform / Thomas J. Baldino and Kyle L. Kreider ; preface by Curtis Gans
On ethics and economics / Amartya Sen
Organic chemistry of sulfur / edited by S. Oae
The Oxford handbook of Hellenic studies / edited by George Boys-Stones, Barbara Graziosi and Phiroze Vasunia
Paths to contemporary French literature / John Taylor
The political use of racial narratives : school desegregation in Mobile, Alabama, 1954-97 / Richard A. Pride
Politics : key concepts in philosophy / Iain MacKenzie
The politics of electoral systems / edited by Michael Gallagher and Paul Mitchell
The postmodern animal / Steve Baker
Postmodernism is not what you think : why globalization threatens modernity / by Charles Lemert
Priceless : the myth of fair value (and how to take advantage of it) / William Poundstone
The promise of justice : essays on Brown v. Board of Education / edited by Mac A. Stewart
Prosperity and violence : the political economy of development / Robert H. Bates
The quickening maze / Adam Foulds
Race, remembering, and Jim Crow's teachers / Hilton Kelly
The rare and excellent history of Saladin = or, al-Nawādir al-Sulṭāniyya waʼl-Maḥāsin al-Yūsufiyya / by Bahāʼ al-Dīn Ibn Shaddād ; translated by D.S. Richards
Religion and political culture in Britain and Ireland : from the glorious revolution to the decline of empire / David Hempton
Romantic genius and the literary magazine : biography, celebrity and politics / David Higgins
Schooling citizens : the struggle for African American education in antebellum America / Hilary J. Moss
Schumann / Eric Frederick Jensen
Shakespeare's lost kingdom : the true history of Shakespeare and Elizabeth / Charles Beauclerk
Shaping America : the Supreme Court and American society / Edward F. Mannino
The shield of Achilles : war, peace, and the course of history / Philip Bobbitt
Sibelius / Andrew Barnett
Structure and evolution of the Australian continent / Jean Braun ... [et al.], editors
Style, gender, and fantasy in nineteenth-century American women's writing / Dorri Beam
Supreme neglect : how to revive constitutional protection for private property / Richard A. Epstein
Tchaikovsky / Roland John Wiley
This republic of suffering : death and the American Civil War / Drew Gilpin Faust
The triumph of ethnic Progressivism : urban political culture in Boston, 1900-1925 / James J. Connolly
The warmth of other suns : the epic story of America's great migration / Isabel Wilkerson
Waterland / Graham Swift
Where I'm calling from : new and selected stories / Raymond Carver
Why? / Charles Tilly
Women and gender in the new South : 1865-1945 / Elizabeth Hayes Turner
Women and the city : gender, space, and power in Boston, 1870-1940 / Sarah Deutsch
Works of Igor Stravinsky [sound recording]
The works of John Webster / edited by David Gunby ... [et al.] ; with a note and transcription of music by Peter Walls
Viking attacks on Paris : the Bella Parisiacae urbis of Abbo of Saint-Germain-des-Pres / edition, translation and introduction by Nirmal Dass
Clokey Botanical Library Memorial Gift by the family of Ira W. Clokey
Gift in Honor of Murray Gell-Mann >>