If you're starting from scratch, register on the ORCID website - https://orcid.org/register . It's suggested that you provide 2 email addresses, a Caltech address plus another one, so that if you move institutions you'll be able to keep accessing your account. Use the optional email account box to add a 2nd email address.
If you have an ORCID, sign in on this website - https://orcid.org/signin
You can use your IMSS credentials to login to your ORCID account or register for ORCID. Select "Access through your institution" under the sign in menu. Then, use the drop-down menu and type in California Institute of Technology. If you've used an alternate email address (eg: gmail) to register with ORCID in the past you'll be asked if you'd like to link your accounts. Type in the email address you've previously used and click "sign in and link your California Institute of Technology account". You may find that you already have an ORCID account. Sometimes this happens because a publisher has registered an ORCID for you during a manuscript submission process.
Once you have your ID number there are 6 areas that you can add information to: Employment, Education and Qualifications, Invited Positions and Distinctions, Membership and Service, Funding and Works.
Employment, Education and Qualifications, Invited Positions and Distinctions, Membership and Service
These four sections will need to be completed manually. It is important to distinguish yourself and improve the functionality of the ORCID search and link wizards, namely any of your name variations, multiple email addresses, and organizational affiliations.
If you're using ORCID to import data into SciENcv these sections are important because they map to sections of the Biosketch.
Click the +Add funding on the right side of this section and choose whether you'd like to add funding manually or via Search and Link. The DimensionsWizard is the available tool and includes information from major federal funders like the NSF, NIH and NASA.
The Works or publications section of ORCID may take the most time to complete. ORCID provides tools that can help you find and link your publications in ORCID. The most broad of these tooks are:
* CrossRef Metadata Search - searches CrossRefs metadata on journal articles, conference proceedings and books. Select from search results and import into ORCID. This system does not require registration.
* Scopus to ORCID - This requires you to have a SCOPUS ID. The Caltech Library does not subscribe to Scopus but you can still register for a Scopus ID, claim your works, and easily import them into your ORCID profile.
* There are additional importer tools that are discipline-specific that can populate the Works section of your ORCID profile. For astronomers an example is using NASA ADS. You can set up the crosswalk between systems so that your ORCID profile is automatically updated when a new publication is ingested into ADS.
Author and researcher privacy is a fundamental principle of ORCID: "Researchers control the defined privacy settings of their own ORCID record data." ORCID provides you three settings: Everyone, Trusted Parties or Private
Information marked as "everyone" can be viewed by anyone who comes to the ORCID.org website or consumed by anyone using the ORCID public API. Data marked as public will also be included in the public data file posted annually by ORCID.
Trusted Parties
Information marked as "Limited" can be seen by any Trusted Parties that you have authorized to connect to your ORCID Record. These connections require explicit action on your part. You will be asked if you would like to make a specific connection, and once you have confirmed, the Trusted Party will be able to see information that you have marked as limited-access.
Information marked as "Private" can only be seen by you. It is also used by ORCID algorithms to help distinguish your identity from another person who may have a similar name, be in a similar field, or may be confused with you for other reasons. This information is not shared with others.