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Physics, Math & Astronomy (PMA): Research Data

Caltech Research Data Repository

Research Data Management

Data planning and issues related to data management have many important issues to be aware of.

Some factors to consider when working and planning to use data:

  1. Data description, such as metadata. Good metadata ensures discoverability.
  2. Standards such as documentation, naming conventions, file formats.
  3. Access and sharing, such as privacy or security requirements, funder requirements, backup and storage, what will be shared where.
  4. Publishing and preserving, think about preservation as you work with your research. Take steps to preserve your data, and decide what needs to be preserved.
  5. Citing data, gives credit where credit is due. Citations help others to find, replicate and work from your research.

There are many more aspects involved in data management.

For information on data and data management plans, please visit our Data Management LibGuide.

Online Data Management Plans

American Astronomical Society Data Guide

Physical Review Journals Data Policy