Online access to the database of the National Library of Medicine.
Entries include links to MeSH terms and other NCBI resources, including molecular structure, DNA sequence, and protein sequence databases, as well as to PMC and other OA sources where available. This custom link will also include CaltechConnect functionality to access full text or request via DocuServe.
Fulltext, bibliographic information, abstracts, and reviews for articles published in ACM periodicals & magazines, ACM proceedings & ACM SIG conference proceedings.
Synthesis Digital Library of Engineering and Computer Science, published by Morgan & Claypool, provides access to lectures on research topics in Engineering and Computer Science. We have access to collections 1-12. Now hosted by Springer Nature.
The collection includes doctoral dissertations submitted to institutions outside the U.S. and Canada. The range of years includes mid-19th century through the present, with the greatest concentration in the late 19th, early 20th centuries.