This is not a comprehensive list. Consult this page for the "U.S. Government Resources - Basic Core Collection" links.
Caltech does not have a separate and discrete publicly-accessible U.S. government documents collection. Caltech is selective and integrates the material into the overall collection and in recent years puts priority on electronic resources.
For assistance with obtaining government information:
If you have a question that is not addressed by our areas of expertise, you can reach out to other Federal depository libraries across the nation or the Government Information Online, which is a partnership between GPO and the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) of the American Library Association.
Our library's Government documents print collection includes the following topics of interest. Note that print copies are only up through the early 2000s. You may also wish to search the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications.
USGS Topographic Maps (California, Arizona, and Nevada)
USGS Geologic Maps (selected areas, primarily California)
USGS Open-File Reports (selected, primarily California)
Please visit our LibGuides on Map Resources for more online USGS resources.
This list includes depository libraries in the vicinity of the Caltech campus. For more information and other locations, please see the Federal Library Directory.