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Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS): Social Sciences

Learn about HSS-specific library resources, including librarians, collections, archives, databases, research and data support, and more.

General HSS resources

Caltech Archives

The Caltech Archives' unique research collections in the history of science and technology range from the time of Copernicus to today.

Make an appointment today to explore the archives for your research, instruction, or personal interest. 


Textual collections
Audio visual collections
Art and artifact collections

APA Style

Chicago Manual of Style 

MLA Style


More information about all of these styles is available at the Purdue Writing Lab.

HSS libraries

Learn about the print collections, services, and spaces in each of the libraries that serve HSS:

HSS-related collections @ The Huntington

  • Huntington Library Catalog
  • Learn about their collections
    • Medieval Manuscripts, Early Printed Books, Literature in English
    • Pacific Rim, California, Western American History
    • American History, British History, Hispanic History and Culture
    • History of Science, Medicine, and Technology
    • Architecture
    • Photography, prints, posters and ephemera, maps and atlases


Off-site access to electronic journals and databases

You must have a Huntington Library Reader's Card to access resources remotely.

If you do not have a library account and PIN:

  1. Go to My Library Account and follow the prompts.
  2. Use the name and registration number that appear on your reader card (which must be current). You can skip this step if you previously set up your library account and have a PIN. (If you have forgotten your PIN, just follow the "Forgot your PIN?" link.)
  3. Click on Databases or E-Journals and choose a title, or click on the link embedded in the catalog record for individual titles. You will be asked for your name, registration number, and PIN. Some selected resources may only be accessible on site--these will be clearly marked.

If you have any questions or problems, please email or talk to anyone in Reader Services.


  • CaltechAUTHORS - Publications repository containing 90,000 articles, books, book chapters, technical reports, and conference papers authored by Caltech affiliates, updated continuously.
  • We encourage self-deposits by Caltech faculty and staff. Basic entries with attached content files are accepted; library staff will enhance the records as needed. Susan Vite, HSS Administrative Assistant, x4571, can help deposit materials.



  • CaltechDATA - Campus-wide data repository to preserve Caltech research data and share results with the world.
  • Enables researchers to upload research data, link data with their publications, and assign a permanent DOI so that others can reference the data set.



CaltechTHESIS - growing repository of Ph.D., Engineer, Master's and Bachelor's/Senior theses authored by Caltech students. It is updated continuously as students add new theses, and as library staff scan and add older theses.



Check out our archive of Caltech publications, including:


and much more in CampusPubs.


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Political Science

Psychology / Neuroscience

Journal of Video Experiments - Neuroscience

Filmed at the world’s top scientific institutions, JoVE videos bring to life the intricate details of cutting-edge experiments enabling efficient learning and replication of new research methods and technologies.

JoVE Neuroscience includes methods and techniques for studying the brain and nervous system; also featuring potential treatments for neurological conditions and diseases.

Social Sciences (Anthropology / Education / Sociology)

Humanities & Social Sciences Librarian