The library makes every effort to remain in compliance with copyright law and publisher agreements by reviewing every item prior to release from an input buffer.
Many publishers allow authors' "Accepted Versions" to be deposited into insitutional repositories. We encourage Caltech authors to submit these to CODA, either personally or with the help of library staff.
More copyright information for authors is available via our website. Library staff may assist authors wishing to reclaim copyrights or secure other necessary permissions from publishers.
Although we encourage authors to allow open access to the resources in these collections as a way to share their research, there are sometimes reasons to restrict access to them. Generally, these involve licensing agreements with publishers or pending patents. Each file in CODA can have its access level independently set. These can be changed at any time by contacting library staff responsible for CODA.
The following access level settings apply to the visibility of each individual file:
The record containing information about the resource and its items or files, also known as the metadata record, remains visible worldwide, even though the files themselves may be restricted from view. Whenever possible, we also provide links to the publisher's version on its website. This provides the viewer with an alternative access point, although licensing agreements may or may not allow the viewer to actually access the full-text of the document.